24-106.26 Making Sense of International Security: Politics, Culture and Language


Lehrende: Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: AM2: Int. Security

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 21

Anmeldegruppe: AG AM2 (HF, ab WiSe 14/15)

Weitere Informationen:
Verwendbar in folgenden Studiengängen bzw. Modulen:
- B.A.-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft: Aufbaumodul 2 - Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen oder Wahlbereich
- B.Sc. Volkswirtschaftslehre (FSB ab WiSe 2016/17), Ergänzungsfach Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen: Aufbaumodul 2 - Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen
- B.A.-Nebenfach Politikwissenschaft: Fachbezogener Wahlbereich
Das Seminar ist nicht für den Freien Wahlbereich anderer Studiengänge geöffnet.

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
“Making Sense of International Security: Politics, Culture and Language” is a seminar devoted to enduring and contemporary questions in international security, a field that at its core is about the threat and use of force by states (and, increasingly, non-state actors) to achieve their political and military objectives. This course intends to create a clear timeline of the developments of international security as a discipline and field of research. Through the consideration of theory and practice, we will interrogate various perceived contemporary security threats and issues, asking critical questions about how security is understood, deployed, and studied.

Each session will be focused in one of the three perspectives when talking about security: the political, the cultural and the linguistic aspect. One important goal of the course is for students to continually reflect on the core questions that animate the field of international security. These include:
-          What is “security”? Who and what gets “secured”?
-          Who should provide for security?
-          What is the nature of warfare? Has it changed? Where is it headed?
-          What is a “threat”? Which threats are significant enough to warrant a response?
-          What are the new, emerging threats in the 21st century? 

By discussing major security topics and their relation to everyday global political life, this course provides a selection of frameworks in which securitization is made theoretically and intellectually intelligible. This seminar is designed to contribute toward students’ continuing capacity to critically analyse the politics of securitization in everyday life, and to consider how the desire for security may itself stand as a primary source of violence in the global context.


Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this seminar will be held completely ONLINE. Thus, it is important to highlight that differently from a lecture, a seminar is all about the participant’s input and the discussion developed by the proposed literature. That is why this course will be based on peer reviewed papers rotation.

What does that mean?

1. The class will be divided in four groups of four people and a group of five people (5 groups). Every two weeks, one group will be selected to write a five-page paper to answer questions based on the literature proposed for that seminar session. 

2. The rest of the class (individually) will have one week to read the five-page paper from point 1 and to write a one-page response. These papers must contain your own ideas and comments (grounded on the texts you read for that session). The response texts will be corrected by me and returned to the student with comments as well.

3. On the scheduled date and time of our seminars, I will hold either a chat or call at Microsoft Teams (lasting one hour) to answer questions and to comment on your work. 

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
- B.A.-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, Aufbaumodul 2 - Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen: Studienleistungen (siehe A); zusätzlich kann in dem Seminar eine Hausarbeit als Modulabschlussprüfung des AM 2 absolviert werden (siehe B).
- B.A.-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, Wahlbereich: Studienleistungen (siehe A); Hausarbeit nicht möglich.
- B.Sc. Volkswirtschaftslehre:  Studienleistungen (siehe A) und Hausarbeit (siehe B).
- B.A.-Nebenfach Politikwissenschaft, Fachbezogener Wahlbereich: Studienleistungen (siehe A); Hausarbeit nicht möglich.

A) Studienleistungen:

1. Five-page paper:
This task’s aim is to answer the questions presented here in this syllabus based on the proposed literature. This is supposed to be a group work. Everyone needs to take part in the process of writing and editing it.
Papers have to be submitted with a full list of scholarly references (APA Style), along with in-text references that should clarify already within the text where you are using information from. They need to have a clear structure as well: introduction, sub-topics and conclusion.
Papers are expected to build on the academic literature of their subject area – those referenced in this course outline below each subject, as well as similar sources you find on your own, in your independent research. You need to refrain from the cheap tactic of using Wikipedia-like sources: rely on quality/scholarly sources rather (note that you may find such sources via Wikipedia as well: looking at Wikipedia is not bad per se but never stop there or it will result in the loss of points on a given assignment).

2. Input/response paper:
At least one-page commenting on your peers’ work. The comments need to be grounded on the literature of the session, quoting excerpts of the texts and relevant authors. You can agree, disagree or add a new point of view to the analysed work. 
Papers have to be submitted with a full list of scholarly references (APA Style), along with in-text references that should clarify already within the text where you are using information from. They need to have a clear structure as well: introduction, sub-topics and conclusion.

b) Modulprüfung:
Book review:

The students that want to receive 8 credits and a grade for this course are expected to write a 2-4 pages review of a book of their own choice that is of relevance to the class topic. The review must contain the following structure:

  • Introduction. Open with a general description of the topic and/or problem addressed by the work in question. Think, if possible, of a hook to draw your readers in.
  • Summary of argument. Your review should, as concisely as possible, summarize the book’s argument.
  • About the author(s). Some basic biographical information about the author(s) or editor(s) of the book you are reviewing is necessary.
  • Summary of contents. A reasonably thorough indication of the research methods used (if applicable) and of the range of substantive material covered in the book should be included.
  • Strength. Identify one particular area in which you think the book does well.
  • Weakness. Identify one particular area in which you think the book could be improved.
  • Conclusion. End your review with a concluding statement summarizing your opinion of the book. 

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 8. Apr. 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
2 Mi, 22. Apr. 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
3 Mi, 6. Mai 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
4 Mi, 20. Mai 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
5 Mi, 17. Jun. 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
6 Mi, 1. Jul. 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
7 Mi, 15. Jul. 2020 10:15 13:45 AP 1, 137 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Leistungs­kombination Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
24-106VWL Aufbaumodul 2: Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen (für Volkswirtschaftslehre) (WiSe 17/18) / 24-106.11  Making Sense of International Security: Politics, Culture and Language Hausarbeit 6  Hausarbeit k.Terminbuchung Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares Ja
24-106VWL Aufbaumodul 2: Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen (für Volkswirtschaftslehre) (SoSe 20) / 24-106.11  Making Sense of International Security: Politics, Culture and Language Hausarbeit 1  Hausarbeit k.Terminbuchung Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares Ja
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Studienleistung k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Ana Leticia Vasconcelos Soares