24-108.22 Interpretive Research Design and Political Ethnography


Lehrende: Riccarda Ariane Flemmer

Veranstaltungsart: Vertiefungsseminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 24-108.22

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 21

Anmeldegruppe: einsemestrige Vertiefungsseminare

Weitere Informationen:
einsemestriges Vertiefungsseminar (kann nur mit einer Prüfung abgeschlossen werden)

Verwendbar in folgenden Studiengängen bzw. Modulen:
- BA-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, FSB ab WiSe 2013/14: Vertiefungsmodul Politikwissenschaft (6 LP)
- BA-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, FSB ab WiSe 2010/11: Vertiefungsmodul … (8 LP)
- BA-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft: Wahlbereich (6 LP)
- BA-Nebenfach Politikwissenschaft: Fachbezogener Wahlbereich (6 LP)
- MA Lateinamerikastudien: Wahlbereich (6 LP)
Dieses Seminar ist nicht für den Freien Wahlbereich anderer Studiengänge geöffnet.

You will find the reading list, texts and the online discussion forum on OpenOLAT. Please register for the online platform and find the seminar as "Interpretive Research Design and Political Ethnography” (from 20 April 2020).

PLEASE NOTE: In order to access OpenOLAT, the group working spaces on MicrosoftTeams and the library online catalogue, you need your email address (vorname.nachname@studium.uni-hamburg.de) and the so-called "B identifier" (B-Kennung, BXXXXXX), which you received with your enrolment.

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Political ethnography has increasingly gained attention in the discipline of International Relations research. The seminar situates political ethnography in political science and International Relations research and shows how ethnographies can be used in interpretative research designs. The focus is on the different aspects of participant and non-participant observation in the “real” and in the virtual world. Students are offered the chance to gain first practical experiences in its application.

The seminar illuminates the basis for using ethnographic research in political science. Based on central texts, the seminar will elaborate on the epistemological and ontological background of ethnographic research, ethical implications, data gathering as well as data analysis. Further, students will get an overview on the current state of the art of political ethnography and the application of ethnography in different thematic areas. Just to name a few examples, ethnography has been used to investigate the work of international organizations, diplomats, international legal standards on the ground or resistance and protest in authoritarian regimes.

The course will critically reflect on the advantages and limitations of using ethnography as a set of methods, keeping in mind the epistemological, ontological and ethical premises to be considered by researchers.

***Please note that the class will include group work and three “lab-sessions”. ***

After completing this seminar, students will have gained conceptual and practical insights on how to design interpretative research projects and use ethnographic methods. Students will have learned and experienced ways to define and access field sites, document the observations and strategies to analyse data. This includes a deep understanding of the historical trajectory of ethnography and its underlying epistemological and ontological assumptions.

The seminar follows a mixed approach of problem- and research-based learning. Students will learn about all steps of the research process: formulating questions, developing and implementing a design, gathering and analysing data as well as presenting and discussing results. Further, students are actively involved in the seminar through the discussion of selected readings, working groups and presentations. Participants need to be willing to experiment with ethnographic methods.

The seminar is organized into four phases. The first three phases conclude with “lab-sessions”, whose results will be presented in the fourth phase.

In the first phase, introductory sessions are used to give an overview of interpretive research design and discuss what makes a research question interpretive. The lab-session will focus on developing a research question and writing a state of the art. Until the next session, groups present a brief statement on their progress in the (online) forum (2-3min text, PPT, video, audio comment) and hand in a written progress report with the current state of the research proposal as “work in progress” per Email.

In the second phase, political ethnography will be discussed against historical developments of fieldwork and virtual ethnography; the concepts of fields, cases and sites; participant and non-participant observation in the “real” and in the virtual world as well as ethical considerations. The lab-session will focus on students’ experimenting with ethnographic approaches (design, practice and documentation). Until the next session, groups present a brief statement on their progress in the (online) forum (3min PPT, Video, Audio) and hand in a written progress report with the current state of the research proposal as “work in progress” per Email. Until the next session, groups present a brief statement on their progress in the (online) forum (2-3min text, PPT, video, audio comment) and hand in a written progress report with the current state of the research proposal as “work in progress” per Email.

In the third phase, the ‘ethnographic turn’ in Political Science is discussed based on students’ own research experiences; examples from the literature on the different fields of application as well as reflection on the potentials and limitations of methodological choices. The[rf1]  lab-session will focus on students’ writing-up research proposals (methodological and ethical reflections). Until the next session, groups present a brief statement on their progress in the (online) forum (2–3min text, PPT, video, audio comment) and hand in a written progress report with the current state of the research proposal as “work in progress” per Email.

The last two meetings will serve as a platform for students to present the final results of the working groups (15-20 min PPT, video, audio) and discuss them in the plenary for feedback from other participants as well as from the course instructor. In the last session, we will also summarise the theoretical and practical insights gained, discuss open questions regarding the essays and give feedback on the seminar.

Students will form six working groups (3 persons) and have two types of tasks:

  • Work on research proposals, present them in brief 3 progress statements in the (online) forum, 3 progress reports after lab session and a final presentation in the end of the course.
  • Protocol (online) forum discussions on prepared readings of key texts and complement the protocols with feedback from the course instructor.

Collective feedback from the course instructor on the (forum)discussions and the progress reports will be via presentations and (online)chats during class hours. Direct feedback on the reports send via email will be via email or (video)chat with the groups.


For the introductory session, the course instructor will upload a video presentation on OpenOLAT. The presentation will give an overview on the content and the organisation of the seminar. During the scheduled session (22 April 2020, 10.15–11:45h), the course instructor will open a live chat to show the presentation and discuss open questions afterwards. A brief summary will be published online for those who cannot attend.

For the online format: During the scheduled session, there will be a live chat with introductory presentation and feedback on the forum discussion. The group responsible for the protocol should be online and document the session for the rest of the course members.

Attendance is not obligatory. A recoding will be online afterwards.

Typical reading session:

  • Previously: Discussion of reading in OpenOLAT by student (Wednesday–Wednesday)
  • 15min: Welcome
  • 10–15min: Introductory presentation on the readings and contextualisation for the seminar
  • 10–15min: Feedback on the readings in the forum on Open OLAT
  • 10–15min: Tasks for the lab sessions or exercises
  • 30min: Open discussion

During lab sessions, groups work on their proposal on their own.

***If you are not able to participate in the live chats, please put together this order for yourselves or watch the recording. ***

***If we can switch later on to “offline” format, the sessions will be organised the same way but interactions will be in person.***

Note on attendance: Active participation consists in contributions to the online forum discussion on OpenOLAT (Wednesday–Wednesday) as well as the elaboration of one protocol, three progress reports and a final presentation in groups. Attending the live chats is not obligatory and chats will be documented.

These are general recommendations; a detailed reading list will be provided at the beginning of the course.

  • Creswell, John W. 2013. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Fourth edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
  • DeWalt, Kathleen M., and Billie R. DeWalt. 2011. Participant Observation: A Guide for Fieldworkers. Second edition. Lanham: AltaMira Press.
  • Emerson, Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw. (1995) 2011. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Second Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Schwartz-Shea, Peregrine, and Dvora Yanow. 2012. Interpretive Research Design: Concepts and Processes. New York: Routledge.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
Dieses Seminar kann nur mit einer Prüfung abgeschlossen werden.
Workload des Seminars: 6 LP
Ausnahme: BA-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, FSB ab WiSe 2010/11: Vertiefungsmodul Regieren in inter- und transnationalen Institutionen: 8 LP

Studienleistung (unbenotet)
Each working group develops, implements and documents a research design based on ethnographic methods. The elaboration of one session protocol, three progress reports and a final presentation of results is expected of each group. Additionally, the preparation of readings and active participation in (online)discussions is expected from each participant.

The online forum of the seminar (OpenOLAT) provides a room for the students to discuss key reading according to guiding questions. Before each session, you can collect and discuss answers to three guiding questions, reading experiences and open questions with each other.
The forum for the session opens the week before and closes with the session (Wednesday–Wednesday).
Expected is that every student posts at least one answer and three comments on contribution of others.

Protocols: For each session with readings (sessions 2,3, 5,6, 8 and 9; see Syllabus on OpenOLAT), one working group will be responsible to elaborate a protocol of the course instructor's (online/video) feedback. A first draft of the protocol will cover answers the three guiding question concerning the reading and gather open question from the forum on OpenOLAT (1-2 pages). This draft is to be send until Monday evening (23.59pm) before the session via email. The group will be responsible to summarises the course instructor's feedback (online discussion or video) for the class and upload the protocol on OpenOLAT until the next session.

Progress reports: The lab-session will focus on students’ writing-up research proposals (methodological and ethical reflections). Until the next session, groups present a brief statement on their progress in the (online) forum (3min text, PPT, video, audio comment) and hand in a written progress report with the current state of the research proposal as “work in progress” per Email.

Final presentation of project proposals: In the last two sessions, work groups present their project proposals and reflect critically on their research as well as on their learning process (15-20min, PPT).

Contributions should be in English.

Prüfungsleistung (benotet)

Modulteilprüfung 6 LP:
Prüfungsart: One term paper/ Hausarbeit of 12–15 pages

This term paper will be marked. Please consult the guidelines and discuss your topic with the course instructor before writing and submitting your paper. This will allow you to have a better idea of the structure and ensures the feasibility regarding the time and space you have. The language of the paper can be English or German.

  • Abgabetermin/ Date for the submission of the paper: 05.09.2020
  • Abgabeort: The paper has to be submitted to the “Studienbüro Sozialwissenschaften” as a hard copy and electronically by email as PDF to the course instructor.
  • Sprache/Language: The course language is English! However, papers and assignments can be submitted in English or German!
  • Ausgabeort der bewerteten Prüfungsleistung: Studienbüro Sozialwissenschaften

Alternative Prüfungsart: One self-reflective research diary of 12–15 pages
The writing of a research diary of 12–15 pages based on the progress reports and the documentation of the personal learning process during the semester. Further material can be the presentations and protocols elaborated during the seminar. The personal research experience should be critically reflected and evaluated against the conceptual and methodological readings of the seminar. The language of the paper can be English or German. Deadline and proceeding are the same as for the conventional term paper (see above).

Erweiterte Modulteilprüfung 8 LP (nur BA-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, FSB WiSe 10/11):
Prüfungsart: One term paper/ Hausarbeit of 16–20 pages

This term paper will be marked. Please consult the guidelines and discuss your topic with the course instructor before writing and submitting your paper. This will allow you to have a better idea of the structure and ensures the feasibility regarding the time and space you have. The language of the paper can be English or German.

  • Abgabetermin/ Date for the submission of the paper: 05.09.2020
  • Abgabeort: The paper has to be submitted to the “Studienbüro Sozialwissenschaften” as a hard copy and electronically by email as PDF to the course instructor.
  • Sprache/Language: The course language is English! However, papers and assignments can be submitted in English or German!
  • Ausgabeort der bewerteten Prüfungsleistung: Studienbüro Sozialwissenschaften

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 8. Apr. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
2 Mi, 15. Apr. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
3 Mi, 22. Apr. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
4 Mi, 29. Apr. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
5 Mi, 6. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
6 Mi, 13. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
7 Mi, 20. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
8 Mi, 27. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
9 Mi, 10. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
10 Mi, 17. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
11 Mi, 24. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
12 Mi, 1. Jul. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
13 Mi, 8. Jul. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
14 Mi, 15. Jul. 2020 10:15 11:45 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Riccarda Ariane Flemmer
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
LASt M03 Pflichtmodul LASt M03 (WiSe 19/20) / LASt M08  Interpretive Research Design and Political Ethnography 2  Einzelprüfung ohne Termin Riccarda Ariane Flemmer Ja
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Blockprüfung k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
  • 1
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Dr. Riccarda Flemmer