ISA-200.021-1 Mr. Edmond Akwesi Agyeman (Ghana): The Poisoned Chalice: The post-colony and the unfinished business of decolonisation


Lehrende: N.N.

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

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Credits: 3,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | 20

Weitere Informationen:
Dieses Angebot richtet sich an alle Studierende der Universität Hamburg.
Dozent: Mr. Edmond Agyeman Akwesi (Ghana)
Ein Angebot nur für das WS2022/23.
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Kommentare/ Inhalte:
The European encounter and subsequent colonisation of other continents from the 15th century has left enduring scars of unequal relations between Europe and the rest of the world. Even after many countries gained their independence from the second half of the 20th century owing to the socio-political upheavals occasioned in Europe by the Second World War, the former colonies have continued to face crisis of identity, racism, economic and political independence. The purpose of these seminars is therefore to introduce students to post-colonial theory with focus on the African experience. They aim to guide students to understand and critically analyse the efforts by African scholars to oppose worldwide asymmetrical power structures and racism which are the by-products of European colonialism. In other words, the seminars interrogate the material and physical consequences of colonialism and critically assess efforts to overturn such unequal power relations between Europe and Africa.

Seminar 1 will focus on the theoretical and conceptual discourses on postcoloniality, with focus on the African experience. The African epistemological approaches and works on postcoloniality will be discussed.

The main objective of this seminar is to introduce students to the theoretical and conceptual discourses on postcolonialism. Particular emphasis will be placed on the African epistemological approach to dealing with the issue. The works of scholars including Aime Cesaire, Frantz Fanon, Leopold Senghor of the Negritude school of thought and those of Edward Said and others which confronted the Eurocentric legitimisation of white supremacy shall be examined.
The concept of the poisoned chalice is adopted to analyse the challenge of persisting colonialism, issues about identity, enduring racism and the critique of modernity and development by African postcolonial scholars. In this light, the works of Achille Mbembe, Chinua Achebe, Kwasi Wiredu among others will be examined.
By the end of the seminar, students are expected to develop a critical and analytical perspective on colonialism and postcolonial theory and be able to write technical reports, conference, seminar and other scholarly papers on the subject.

Loomba Ania. 2005. Colonialism/Postcolonialism, 3rd Edition. London and New York: Routledge
Liebel Manfred. 2020. Decolonising Childhoods: From Exclusion to Dignity. Great Britain: Policy Press. Pp. 53-73.
Mbembe Achille. 2001. On the Postcolony. California: University of California Press.
Mbembe Achille. 1992. Provisional Notes on the Postcolony. Journal of the International African Institute, Vol. 62, No. 1. pp. 3-37

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
1. Class attendance and participation.
2. Readings will be assigned to them which they will read and discuss in a moodle (blackboard discussion).
3. Each student will present a written assignment on a topic to be chosen based on the seminars.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 28. Okt. 2022 15:00 18:00 Jungiusstr. 11, Raum C109 N.N.
2 Sa, 29. Okt. 2022 10:00 17:00 Jungiusstr. 11, Raum C109 N.N.
3 So, 30. Okt. 2022 10:00 15:00 Jungiusstr. 11, Raum C109 N.N.
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Aktive Teilnahme ohne Termin Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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